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29. Sugiyama, M., Kosik, K. S. and Panagiotou, E., 2024, Mathematical topology and geometry-based classification of tauopathies, Scientific Reports, 14, 7560 [link to full paper]


28. Barkataki, K, Kauffman, L. H. and Panagiotou, E., 2024, The virtual spectrum of linkoids and open curves in 3-space J. Knot Theory Ramif. (accepted) [link to preprint][link to full paper]


27. Barkataki, K. and Panagiotou, E., 2024, The Jones polynomial in systems with Periodic Boundary Conditions J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 57 155202 [link to preprint][link to full paper]


26. Millett, K. C. and Panagiotou, E., 2023, HOMFLY-PT polynomials of open links, J. Knot Theory Ramif., (Dedicated to the memory of Sir Vaughan Frederick Randal Jones) [link to full paper]  


25. Panagiotou, E, 2023, Following the entangled state of filaments, Science (perspective), 380, 340-341[link to full paper]


24. Barkataki, K. and Panagiotou, E., 2022, The Jones polynomial of collections of open curves in 3-space, Proc. R. Soc. A. 478 20220302 [link to full paper]


23. Herschberg, T., Pifer, K. and Panagiotou, E., 2022, A computational package for measuring Topological Entanglement in Polymers, Proteins and Periodic systems (TEPPP), Comp. Phys. Commun. 286 108639 [link to full paper]


22. Smith, P. and Panagiotou, E., 2022, The second Vassiliev measure of uniform random walks and polygons in confined space J. Phys. A. Math. Theor. 55 095601 [link to full paper


21. Wang, J. and Panagiotou, E., 2022, The protein folding rate and the geometry and topology of the native state, Scientific Reports 12 6384 [link to full paper]


20. Baldwin, Q., Sumpter, B. G. and Panagiotou E., 2022, The local topological free energy of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein Polymers 14 (15) 3014 [link to full paper]


19. Panagiotou, E. and Kauffman, L. H., 2021, Vassiliev measures of complexity for open and closed curves in 3-space, Proc. R. Soc. A 477, 20210440 [link to full paper]


18. Herschberg, T., Carrillo, J-M., Sumpter, B. G., Panagiotou, E. and Kumar, R.,  2021, Topological Effects Near Order-Disorder Transitions in Symmetric Diblock Copolymer Melts, Macromoelcules, 54, 16, 7492 [link to full paper]


17. Panagiotou, E., Vuong, V. Q., Irle, S. and Sumpter, B. G., 2021, Geometry as a screening tool for strong binders to the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein (submitted)


16. Baldwin, Q. and Panagiotou E., 2021, The local topological free energy of proteins,  J. Theor. Biology 529, 110854 [link to full paper]


15. Panagiotou E. and Kauffman L. H., 2020, Knot polynomials of open and closed curves Proc. R. Soc. A 476 20200124 [link to preprint][link to full paper]


14. Panagiotou, E. and Plaxco, K. W., 2020, A topological study of protein folding kinetics Topology and Geometry of Biopolymers, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series 746 [link to preprint][link to full paper]


13. Panagiotou E., Delaney K. T. and Fredrickson G. H., 2019, Theoretical prediction of an isotropic to nematic phase transition in bottlebrush homopolymer melts, J. Chem. Phys. 151, 094901[link to full paper]


12. Panagiotou E., Millett K. C. and Atzberger P., 2019, Topological Methods for Polymeric Materials: Characterizing the Relationship Between Polymer Entanglement and Viscoelasticity, Polymers ,11(3), 437. [link to full paper]


11. Panagiotou E., 2019, Topological entanglement and its relation to polymer material properties Knots, Low-Dimensional Topology and Applications,Knots in Hellas II, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics [link to full paper]


10. Panagiotou E. and Millett K. C., 2018, Linking matrices in systems with periodic boundary conditions J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 51 225001[link to full paper]


9. Millett K. C. and Panagiotou E., 2016, Linking in systems with one-dimensional periodic boundaries, Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, PROMS [link to full paper][link to preprint]


8. Millett K. C. and Panagiotou E., 2016, Entanglement transitions in one dimensional confined flows, Fluid Dyn. Res. 50 011416 [link to full paper]


7. Igram S., Millett K. C. and Panagiotou E., 2016, Resolving critical degrees of entanglement in olympic rings systems, J. Knot Theory Ramif. 25 14. [link to full paper]


6. Panagiotou E. 2015, The linking number in systems with periodic boundary conditions, J. Comp. Phys. 300 533-573. [link to full paper]


5. Panagiotou E. and Kr\"oger M., 2014, Pulling force-induced elongation and alignment effects on entanglement and knotting characteristics of linear polymers in a melt Phys. Rev. E  90 042602. [link to full paper]


4. Panagiotou E., Kr\"oger M and Millett K. C., 2013, Writhe and mutual entanglement combine to give the entanglement length Phys. Rev. E 88 062604. [link to full paper]


3. Panagiotou E., Millett K. C. and Lambropoulou S., 2013, Quantifying entanglement for collections of chains in models with periodic boundary conditions Procedia IUTAM: Topological Fluid Dynamics II 7 pp.251-260. [link to full paper]


2. Panagiotou E., Tzoumanekas C., Lambropoulou S., Millett K. C. and Theodorou D. N., 2011, A study of the entanglement in systems with periodic boundary conditions Prog. Theor. Phys. Supplement 191 pp.172-181. [link to full paper]


1. Panagiotou E., Millett K. C. and Lambropoulou S, 2010, The mean squared linking number and the writhe of uniform random walks in confined space J. Phys. A:Math. Theor. 43 045208-30. [link to full paper]

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